gust gust n. 烈風, 疾風. 【形容詞 名詞+】 chilly gusts of wind 寒い突風 The fierce gust of wind blew the tree down. 烈風がその木を吹き倒した The wind blew in fitful gusts. 風が気まぐれに吹いた a strong gust of wind
i'd like at each step , each gust of wind ... 歩くごと 風が 吹きつけるごとに"今だ"と
because 5 minutes from now , a gust of wind could come in and blow h1n1 in everyone's eyes . これから5分は風が インフルエンザ菌も吹き飛ばす
20 year old female . hit on the head by a signboard blown down by a strong gust of wind . 20歳の女性。 強風で落ちてきた 店の看板に 頭部を強打。
with a gust of wind , parting above the peaks are clouds of white: as utterly cold as your heart (kokin , koini , 601 ) 風吹けば峰にわかるる白雲の絶えてつれなき君が心か(古今・恋二・601)
just when he was immersed in his thought , a strong gust of wind happened to blow , causing the willow tree to sway in the wind , and the frog gracefully lept onto the willow tree . このように、バカにしていた時、偶然にも強い風が吹き発心し、柳がしなり、見事に飛び移れた。
for going to kyoto from east orientation , it was considered to be faster to cross the biwa-ko lake from the port of yabae to otsu by boat , than to go south to seta and cross the bridge , but this boat service was dangerous because of the sudden gust of wind blowing down from mt . hiei . 東から京都へ向かうには、瀬田まで南下して唐橋を渡るより、矢橋(やばせ)の港から船に乗って大津へと琵琶湖を横断する方が速いとされていたが、この航路は突風に遭う危険があった。