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gust of wind 意味

"gust of wind"の例文


  • gust of wind
  • gust     gust n. 烈風, 疾風. 【形容詞 名詞+】 chilly gusts of wind 寒い突風 The fierce
  • wind     1wind n. (1) 風; 気配, 徴候; 傾向. 【動詞+】 brave the winds and waves 《文語》
  • a gust of wind    a gust of wind 一陣 いちじん
  • gust (of wind)    gust (of wind) 煽り あおり
  • wind gust    《気象》突風
  • catch a gust of wind    突風{とっぷう}[一陣{いちじん}の風]を受ける
  • chilly gust of wind    寒い突風{とっぷう}
  • hit by a gust of wind    《be ~》風に煽られる
  • medium size gust of wind    
  • medium-size gust of wind    中くらいの強さの突風{とっぷう}
  • strong gust of wind    激しい突風{とっぷう}
  • sweeping gust of wind    サッと吹き抜ける突風
  • violent gust of wind    激しい一陣の風
  • blasted by a gust of icy cold wind    《be ~》氷のように冷たい突風{とっぷう}に煽られる[が吹き付ける]
  • gust     gust n. 烈風, 疾風. 【形容詞 名詞+】 chilly gusts of wind 寒い突風 The fierce gust of wind blew the tree down. 烈風がその木を吹き倒した The wind blew in fitful gusts. 風が気まぐれに吹いた a strong gust of wind


  • i'd like at each step , each gust of wind ...
    歩くごと 風が 吹きつけるごとに"今だ"と
  • because 5 minutes from now , a gust of wind could come in and blow h1n1 in everyone's eyes .
    これから5分は風が インフルエンザ菌も吹き飛ばす
  • 20 year old female . hit on the head by a signboard blown down by a strong gust of wind .
    20歳の女性。 強風で落ちてきた 店の看板に 頭部を強打。
  • with a gust of wind , parting above the peaks are clouds of white: as utterly cold as your heart (kokin , koini , 601 )
  • just when he was immersed in his thought , a strong gust of wind happened to blow , causing the willow tree to sway in the wind , and the frog gracefully lept onto the willow tree .
  • for going to kyoto from east orientation , it was considered to be faster to cross the biwa-ko lake from the port of yabae to otsu by boat , than to go south to seta and cross the bridge , but this boat service was dangerous because of the sudden gust of wind blowing down from mt . hiei .
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